Posted by Denny Williams on 1/2/2024 to
Tech Articles
This month's Tech Check continues the restoration of the window channels on 1961 & 1962 two-door Sedans - specifically the quarter window area. The article will explain the removal of the trim panel, quarter window & quarter window channel. The restoration of the quarter window channel assembly will be explained along with the re-installation of everything. Since the installation of the trim panel whisker strip is the same for the quarter trim panel as for the door trim panel, refer to last month’s article for that part of the restoration.
Because this area remained basically the same, this article should help anyone who is restoring any Late Great Chevy-2door Sedan. This article starts with the rear seat removed from the car.
Using a Philip screwdriver, remove the two sheetmetal screws which secure the rear arm rests to the panel. Using a handle clip removal tool, remove the window crank. Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the window crank. Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the two screws which secure the vertical pillar garnish molding. (See Photo #1)
Using a Philip screwdriver, remove the three screws which secure the garnish molding which goes across the top of the quarter window and down the back. (See Photo #2) Using a Philip screwdriver, remove the three screws which secure the vertical backglass garnish molding. Remove the quarter trim panel.
Using a small socket or wrench, remove the 8 sheetmetal screws which secure the large access hole cover. Remove the large access hole cover. Using a 7/16-inch socket, loosen the bolt and special washer which secure the front guide assembly of the rear quarter window. (Do not remove the bolt at this time.) (See Photo #3.)
Using a 7/16-inch socket remove the two bolts which secure the rear guide assembly of the rear quarter window. (See Photo #4.)